DataHub Access

Seamlessly Read & Write to top Web 3 protocols via our API infrastructure.

DataHub users integrate a suite of APIs to power their applications and significantly cut development time and costs. Access protocols via HTTPS and Websockets with our infinitely scalable and reliable node infrastructure.

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Protocol Dashboard

Try interacting with Web 3!


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Select a protocol

Every protocol, or blockchain, has different features and makes various trade-offs.

With Learn you will be able to find the right one for your project, but feel free to test any of them here!

Ethereum Logo
Scalable Icon

Infinitely Scalable

No need for dedicated nodes, our pool infrastructure allows us to easily scale the capacity of our Access services so that you never have to worry about growth.

Key Icon

Instant Access

Forget the complex setups of dedicated infrastructures, start building in no time with our Access endpoints and your unique API key.

Dollar Tag Icon

Flexible Pricing

Web 3 requires experimentation and flexibility. Access provides multiple plans, from Free to Enterprise, so you can pay as you grow.